Life of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in Makkah
- Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was born in Makkah, Arabia, on Monday, 12 or 9 Rabi Al-Awal (20th April A.D. 571).
- He belongs to Quraish tribe and Banu Hashim Family.
- His mother name is Aminah, daughter of Wahb Ibn Abdu Manaf of the Zahrah family. His maternal grandmother's (mother's mother) name was Barrah.
- His father name is Abdullah, son of Abdul Muttalib, bin Hashim bin Abd-e-Manaaf of Quraish family. His
paternal grandmother's (father's mother) name was Fatima.
- Muhammad's father died before his birth.
- Prophet Muhammad first breastfed by his mother, then by Thuwaibah, the freed slave of his uncle , Abu Lahab and then by Haleemah Sa'diyah.
- The people of Makkah sent their children to the country-side. Prophet Muhammad PBUH was aslo sent to the country-side. A lady by the name of Haleemah took him into her care, who belongs to Banu Saad tribe. Prophet Muhammad PBUH stayed with Haleemah for four years. (A.D. 575)
- During stay at Haleemah's home the famous incident of the splitting of Prophet Muhammad's chest took place.
- Prophet Muhammad PBUH stayed with his mother only for two years. His mother died at Abwa when he was six years old. (A.D. 577)
- His grandfather Abdul Muttalib took him in his care. Two years later, his grandfather was passed away, when Prophet Muhammad PBUH was at age of eight. (A.D. 579)
- Muhammad PBUH accompanied his uncle Abu Talib on a mercantile journey to Syria when he was twelve years old. Christian monk Buhaira met Muhammad PBUH at Busra during this journey. He looked at Muhammad PBUH and told Abu Talib that he is indeed the final Prophet (A.D. 583).
- When Muhammad PBUH was twenty-five years old, he traveled once more to Syria to carry the business of Khadijah, with her slave Maysarah. During this journey, they met another christian monk by the name of Nastoorah. He also bore testimony to his prophethood (A.D. 596).
- Khadijah wished to marry with Prophet Muhammad PBUH due to his honesty and truthfulness. When they married, Prophet Muhammad PBUH was twenty-five years old and sayidah Khadijah was forty years old (A.D. 596). This marriage lasted for 25 years and 2 months. Prophet Muhammad PBUH did not marry any other woman during her lifetime. From sayidah Khadijah, Prophet had 4 daughters and 2 sons.
- Names of Prophet Muhammad's children were: (1) Sayyidah Zaynub (2) Sayyidah Umm-e-Kulthoom (3) Sayyidah Ruqayya (4) Sayyidah Fatima (5) Sayyed Qasim (6) Sayyed Tahir. Prophet Muhammad another son by the name of Ibrahim, who was born from Mariya Qibtiyya.
- At the age of thirty: At the instigation of the faithful Muhammad PBUH, an old league called the Federation of Fudul. (A.D. 601)
- Muhammad PBUH settled by his judgment a grave dispute in rebuilding the Sacred House of the Ka'ba, when he was thirty-five years old. (A.D. 606)
- Allah had chosen him as Prophet when He was in the cave of Hira in the month of Ramadhaan. Jibrael recited verses from Iqra (Surah Alaq). Prophet Muhammad PBUH was forty years old when this happened. (A.D. 611)
- Waraqa bin Naufal, cousin of Khadijah, who was learned in the Christian and Jewish books, confirmed that Muhammad PBUH is the Prophet of Allah.
- Sayida Khadijah was the first person (woman) to accept Islam, Hadhrat Abu Bakr was the first person (Male) to accept Islam, Hadhrat Ali Ibn Talib was the first person (child) to accept Islam, Hadhrat Zaid bin Haarithah was the first person (freed Slave) to accept Islam.
- Following persons accepted Islam due to hidden preaching of Prophet Muhammad PBUH: Hadhrat Uthmaan, Hadhrat Talha, Hadhrat Zubair, Hadhrat Abdur Rahman, Hadhrat Bilal, Hadhrat Yaasir, Hadhrat Sumayyah, Hadhrat Ammaar, Hadhrat Abdullah Bin Mas'ood and Hadhrat Arqam. This hidden preaching lasts for three years. (A.D. 611-614)
- After three years, Prophet Muhammad PBUH climbed mount Safa and called Quraish and invited his family to Islam.
- Prophet permitted his companions to migrate to Habsha (Ethiopia). On 5th Rajab in the fifth year after Nubuwwat about 15 or 16 companions migrated Ethiopia. They were 11 men and 4 or 5 women. It was first migration to Ethiopia. 83 men and 18 women went to Abyssinia (Ethiopia) by the permission of Prophet Muhammad PBUH after the 7th year of Nubuwwat. This was the second Hijrah (Migration) in Islam. The king of Abyssinia was called Negus (Najashi).
- Kuffaar boycotted the Muslims and exiled them to a small section of Makkah called as Sa'ab Abhi Talib. Nobody was allowed to sell food them or help them in anyway. For three years muslims lived and suffered in that place. It was happened after 7th year of Nubuwwat.
- After three years of hardship, muslims were allowed to leave that section. This cruel boycott had a bad effect on the health of Hadhrat Khadijah and Abu Talib. Both passed away shortly after the boycott.
- Prophet Muhammad PBUH went to Ta'if in 10th year of Nubuwwat. He was accompanied by Zaid bin Haarithah. The people of Ta'if refused to accept Islam. Stones thrown at him and he was chased out of the town. Bleeding and tired, he took shelter in the garden of Utbah bin Rabi'ah.
- The journey of Mi'raaj took place after the 11th year of Nubuwwat. Prophet Muhammad PBUH was taken from Makkah to Masjid-e-Aqsa in Jerusalem on the Burraaq. From Jesusalem, he went to seven heavens. He met all the previous Prophets and Allah gave him five daily Prayers (Salaah). This journey was took place in just one night.
- A group of 6 people from Madinah tribe Khazraj (then called Yathrib) met Prophet Muhammad PBUH secretly in a place called A'qabah. They accepted Islam.
- Following year they brought a bigger group of 12 persons to accept Islam. There were 10 from Khazraj and 2 from Ows. They invited Prophet Muhammad PBUH to live in Madinah. This pledge is known as Bay't-ul-'Aqabah Al-Ula.
- Next year 70 men and 2 women came in Makkha on Hajj and accepted Islam by preaching of Sayidina Mus'ab bin 'Umair. Which was sent to Madinah on request of people of Madinah to teach Qur'an and matters. This pledge is known as Bay't-ul-Aqabah Ath-Thaaniyah.
- The muslims of Makkah were given permission to leave and settle in Madinah.
- 13th year after Nubuwwat, Prophet Muhammad PBUH left Makkah and migrated to Madinah with Sayidina Abu Bakr. They went to the cave of Thaur. They stayed in the cave for 3 days. Sayidina Abu Bakr's son used to inform them of what was happening in Makkah at night and his daughter would send food for them.
- After 3 days staying in the cave both persons left for Madinah on Camels brought by Abu Bakr's slave Aamir bin Fuhairah on 4th Rabi-ul-Awwal.
- This event, of leaving Makkah and going to Madinah, is known as the Hijrah.
- On the journey to madinah, Prophet Muhammad PBUH stayed in Quba for 14 days. Quba was outskirts of madinah. He built the first Masjid of Islam in the history.
- Prophet Muhammad PBUH left for madinah on Friday, in the month of Rabi-ul-Awal. Prophet Muhammad PBUH performed Jumuah prayer in the area of Banu Saalim. The camel of Prophet Muhammad's PBUH continued walking and finally sat in front of the house of Sayidina Abu Ayyoob Ansari.
- The place where the camel of Prophet Muhammad PBUH sat was purchased and a Masjid was built on that spot which is called Masjid-e-Nabwi.
- Prophet Muhammad PBUH enter into a treaty with Jews of madinah which was broken by Banu Qaynuqaa, Banu Nadheer, & Banur Quraizah in 2nd year, 4th year and in 5th year repectively.
- Adhan was started for calling the people to assemble at the time of Salaah by rejecting the methods of Jews and christians.
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